Violet Sweet Potato Tikoy Mango Roll

I'm loving Violet Sweet Potato lately, it's becoming one of my favorite ingredients! Its bright color always impresses me, and it seems to bring out the best in my culinary creations. I recently made a Sweet Potato Tikoy Mango Roll that turned out amazing! It's covered in toasted coconut, rolled in a chewy and colorful purple tikoy, and stuffed with creamy filling and diced sweet mangoes. It's just perfect! 💜

Ingredients & Procedure

For the Coating

1/2 cup toasted desiccated coconut, grind

For the Tikoy
1/2 tbsp coconut oil
1/4 cup boiled violet sweet potato
1/4 cup water from boiling sweet potato
3/4 cup water
1 1/8 cup glutinous flour
1/4 cup sugar
Pinch of salt
• Melt coconut oil and use to grease 9”x9”glass square pan. Refrigerate
• Blend sweet potato and 1/4 and 3/4 water together. One can also just grate sweet potato and mix it with the water.
•Incorporate glutinous flour, salt and sugar well, then add water and sweet potato mixture, stir until well blended.
•Pour mixture in the greased pan and microwave for 10 minutes at medium high. Insert toothpick at the center, if it comes out clean then tikoy is cooked.
•Set aside to cool down

For the Filling
1/2 cup whipping cream
1 tbsp condensed milk
1/4 cup frozen ripe mangoes, diced
• Beat whipping cream by hand or with mixer until it doubles, add condensed milk and blend well

A video is ready to further help with the procedure

• Release tikoy edges from pan using a knife or rubber spatula.
• From one end lift off tikoy halfway and lay to the opposite half like closing a book then apply toasted coconut to the exposed bottom of pan. Place back tikoy. Do the same process to the opposite half . This is the best method I thought to coat without too much handling of the tikoy.
• Spread whipping cream mixture on the tikoy, cover all surface. Drop dice mangoes and scatter evenly
• Starting from one end, roll tikoy upward towards you until you reach the opposite end
•Wrap in saran wrapper and refrigerate overnight
• Use a dental floss to cut the roll.
• Best served cold


  1. Since there was no artificial color used in this recipe, I preferred to boil the violet sweet potato unpeeled and used the water from boiling to attain a deeper purple color for the tikoy. This process is to ensure no color is wasted from the sweet potato peel.
  2.  When slicing tikoy with dental floss, place tikoy slices apart to keep them from sticking with each other.
  3.  Always cover tikoy with plastic wrap or store them in air tight container to keep slices moist. Keep refrigerated

Enjoy and Cook happy!
