Cupcake Polvoron With White Chocolate

Cupcake Polvoron With White Chocolate is just the same as the cupcake polvoron I posted last November 15, 2012. Only for this entry I used white instead of brown chocolate.
Actually I made this cupcake polvoron for my cooking and teaching demonstration yesterday. Those housewives who attended got excited when they saw these cupcake polvorons. I was happy too and willing to share with them these Cupcake Polvoron With White Chocolate.

I made simple designs and letters out of royal icing as toppers. Just like them, those housewives I taught yesterday are still beginners like me. But simple as it was, it made an impression. : )
On how to make cupcake polvoron, just click here.



  1. Hi Ricky,
    So sorry for this late late reply. Been very inactive for a long time and have no plans of going back blogging. Until last month when I decided to come back, really comeback and revive where I left. With my resolution in mind, I visited this blog and surprised with your comment. Feeling humbled and honored Yes, why not! I'll join your suggested website. Thank you so much.



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