Chocolate Covered Strawberry Cake on Mother's Day

Our mother, sister Grace and three of my wards are still out somewhere in La-Union. This is my chance to prepare what my husband suggested the night before: Strawberry Cake for Mother's Day.
I thought that alone with my youngest three year old son, it would be easy making the cake. He helped me all through out in measuring and sifting the dry ingredients. : ) There were more flour to wipe out during cleaning time. Good thing his nap time came and went sleeping on a sofa by himself.
 Alone finding solution to make this Strawberry Cake presentable. I imagined a round cake when a 9x13 pan was the only one available... The baked cake was thicker in one side of the pan... Most of the fresh strawberries were already eaten by my tyke. Lastly, there was no confectioner's sugar for the frosting. 
 At around past 1 p.m., the two supposedly out mothers (our Mom and sister Grace) arrived. I was at the middle of applying the frosting on the cake. Yeh! Almost done. : ) When through  with the Strawberry cake, I greeted 'Happy Mother's DAy! to the three of us. We had the cake for dessert after a late lunch.
Of course, the two slices shown in the pic above were two kiddos share of the cake.

By the way, this is the site: Betty Crocker where I got the idea of the cake. I made the Chocolate Covered Strawberry Cake from scratch though.

Happy Mother's Day!
