Guinataang Bilo Bilo

Sister Grace's brother in law brought three ripe jackfruit last week. This gave me idea of preparing Guinataang Bilo Bilo snack for the children.

  • 250g glutinous rice flour
  • 1.5 liters coconut milk
  • 200g orange sweet potato (kamote), cubed
  • 200g cassava (kamoteng kahoy), cubed
  • 10 pieces saba, sliced
  • 300g ripe jackfruit(langka), sliced
  • 300g brown sugar
  • 250ml coconut cream
  • 200g cooked small sago pearls

1. Combine glutinous rice flour with 250 ml water and form into small balls. The children helped in small ball making, the balls though were in different sizes. : )
2. In big casserole, place coconut milk and bring to boil.
3. Add sweet potatoes and cassava, cook for 5 minutes.
4. Then add cooked small sago, banana (saba), jackfruit and glutinous rice balls.
5. Cook over moderate heat until all glutinous rice balls float to the surface.
6. Stir in brown sugar and coconut cream.
7. Serve hot.

The children loved eating the small sago with thick sauce.
